“Never work with animals or children” is possibly one of WC Fields’ most famous quotes. Did you know that he actually quite admired children? Dispute me all you will… he’s not going to get up and tell you otherwise!
For an actor in a perfectly scripted environment, the potential for unpredictability when working with small children or our furry friends is a nightmare. But this is your wedding day... not the theatre. This is about YOU.
Your wedding doesn’t have to be glossy and perfect. You might end up shedding a tear (I always have tissues)… or laughing because you’ve stumbled over the vows. Laughter and the joy of the moment is what your wedding is all about! The sheer vitality that can be brought to your ceremony through the young people in your lives is infectious. If your young son wants to be in your arms as you say your vows – what could possibly be more perfect? He’s very much a part of this as well. Your toddler wants to come with you down the aisle? Fantastic! No better bridal party! And your family and friends will love it as much as you will.
That said, it’s always best practice to plan for every outcome. We can arrange to have one of your guests on hand with snacks and drinks. But no sugar highs! And the option for a quiet “time out” area is something we should agree on before-hand. Let’s take into account everything that CAN happen – less surprise on the day! And guess what? Often it falls into place perfectly (maybe not as scripted, but perfect nonetheless).
Do you share your home with an elegant rescue greyhound, or an exuberant bundle of fur that loves everybody? There is no reason why your fur baby can’t be a part of your day as well! A well behaved dog can be a magnificent best man!
Have a puppy wrangler on hand – someone your dog knows and trusts. On the chance that furry people get a little too excited/overawed on the big day, they can stay quietly with you behind your guests. Keep the Schmacko’s on hand… and a camera!

Your wedding is about your decision to come together. And that includes every facet of your lives. It’s not a perfectly scripted event, it’s a joyous acknowledgement of your lives and your love, and your decision to share your lives. Your family and friends love you as well… they will relish the opportunity to share their joy with yours.